Qalam 2.0
The theme has been redesigned with a new Header, Footer and Mobile Layout.
All New Design
Maintaining the gorgeous retro design with a modern layout that is fully responsive.
Better Sharing
New and Updated Sharing Option with WhatsApp sharing included. Let your readers share your awesome content hassle-free.
New Typography
New fonts from google with local Nastaleeq font style. Better typography with lot of new options.
Menu on Mobile
All new layout for the mobile menu to give it a more modern look and feel. Also, there is a separate logo option for mobile devices.
Header social icons
Now only those icons will be displayed who have a link set to them in Appearance > Theme Settings > Social Icons
Performance Related Bug fixes
Many performances related, CSS related bugs are fixed in this update as well.
If you have an active order (super bundle, Urdu bundle or single purchase) you can download the latest version from your account right now. If you have purchased Qalam separately (not in a bundle) you will have access to both versions (v1 & v2) in case you want to use the older version.