UrduPaper v5.0 – Release Information


License Activation

Meet a brand-new license activation screen that matches our platform’s branding and gives more insights about the license key.

  • License Key Activations stats
  • Latest news and updates from StyloThemes
  • Links to important pages (Docs, Support)

Single Post Layout Builder

You can take control over the layout of a single post. Enjoy our new modular post-layout manager and build it the way you like.

  • Change the position of the blocks
  • Show or Hide blocks

Rounded Corners & Container Layout

With our new container layout, you can control the website width. We have also improved the color scheme control.

Rounded corners are an essential part of modern web layouts. Now you can control the border radius of the entire website from a single point. 

  • Elements: Adjust the border radius for all the website elements and blocks.
  • Images: Adjust the border radius of all the image elements.

Smart Font Loader

We have introduced a new font-loader feature in this update. Now you have complete control over what fonts you need to output on your website. 

  • Google Fonts: 16 Google fonts integrated.
  • Custom Fonts: 3 custom Urdu fonts

Only the active fonts will appear in the typography controls from which to choose. You need to reload the customizer page after activating/deactivating the fonts


Built-in SEO Settings

UrduPaper version 5.0 now has a built-in SEO module that you can use to implement basic SEO functionalities on your website without using any 3rd party plugin. 

  • General SEO: Manage default meta description, keywords, and robot information.
  • Webmaster Tools: Implement Google Search Console, Baidu, Yandex, and Bing verification codes.
  • Social Media SEO: Set social media sharing information.
  • Advanced SEO: Integrate Google Analytics and other scripts in the header/footer. 

E-Paper PDF Download

We are extending the E-Paper feature with an option to upload PDF file along with the images, so you can distribute the high-resolution PDF version of your newspaper that users can download from the front-end. 

A download button will automatically appear if there is a PDF file is attached to the newspaper.


E-Paper Widget

We have added a new widget that you can use in any sidebar or widget area. This will display the latest newspapers in a carousel slider. 


Labels & Texts

With this new feature, you can customize all of the texts, labels, and notices written across the theme. 

If you can’t locate or change the text of an element, please use this form to submit a bug report.


Grid Block Icons

Since we have removed FontAwesome icons from the theme core, we have integrated the Dashicons from WordPress.

A visual icon selector to style grid block posts on the homepage. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Homepage > Grid Block Icons to see it in action


Featured Grid

Gain more control over the most prominent section of your homepage, allowing you to customize it exactly to your liking.

Posts Query:

  • Latest: Selecting this option will show the most recent posts.
  • Tag: This option will display posts with a specific assigned tag. You can also set a custom value for comparison.
  • Category: Select a category from the dropdown and it will display posts from that category.

Layout Customization:

  • Border Radius: Adjust the corner roundness for posts inside the grid.
  • Items Gap: Adjust the gap between the posts inside the grid.

Improved Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals are an important factor in a website’s ranking and performance. We have implemented several performance optimizations in the theme.

Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO scores will always be 90-100. While performance is dependant on hosting, cache, and image formats used on the website.


Replaced FontAwesome with Custom Icons

We have removed the FontAwesome icons library from the theme’s core, resulting in a significant reduction of 3.2MB in the theme’s file size.

We have implemented a custom icons solution within the theme, reducing the space needed to just ~100KB, which significantly boosts performance.


Footer Customization

Expanded footer customization options allow for enhanced branding opportunities for your website.

  • Show or Hide widgets and copyrights section.
  • Change Colors
  • Text Alignment inside the widgets

Social Sharing Buttons Customization

Social media sharing is crucial for article engagement, so we’ve enhanced the module with additional options.

  • Buttons Layout: Choose from 3 options (Icons & Labels, Icon Only, Label Only).
  • Buttons Style: Choose from 2 styles (Flat, Outline).
  • Border Radius: Adjust the corner roundness of the icons.
  • Fixed several styling issues
  • Updated outdated functions in template files
  • Rearranged the asset structure
  • Removed some outdated JavaScript libraries
How to Update the Theme
  • Download the latest theme file from My Account
  • Deactivate & Delete UrduPaper Theme & StyloCore plugin from your website
  • Navigate to Appearance  Themes > Add New > Upload New theme file
  • Clear all the cache after activating the theme
  • Activate the license (You can find the license key in Your Account).
    • If you can’t find a license key in your account, contact us via WhatsApp with your order ID

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